Morph Pro Bow Hanger: Coolest Product of 2017 ATA Show?
Jan 11, 2017 by Bow Staff
The 2017 ATA Show is full of new products that manufacturers hope will be the next big thing in the archery and bowhunting industry. Some are great. Others are flops. But one of the slickest products we’ve yet to come across at this year’s show is the Morph Pro Bow Hanger System from Outright Hunting Products.
This is one of those products that meets a big need for the treestand hunter. The Morph Pro makes hanging bow hangers and accessory hooks quick and simple. It really takes all the frustration out of hanging hooks and hangers when you climb into the treestand. As compared to the installation process of conventional hangers, the Morph Pro offers several unique advancements; all of which are attributed to the patented Quick Connect Screw and quick detach design.
There’s several installation methods, including the company’s standard, powered, and ratchet-styled tools. These multiple installation methods make for super quick installation.
The bow hangers are available in 15″ or 23″. Because of the quick disconnect system, one hanger can be used in a number of stand locations, quick and easy when the screw mount is pre-installed ahead of time.
Check out the company’s website for more information at